Another week has passed by. Today is Christmas. I purposely post this report today, it is because tomorrow I’m going for my Christmas holidays. I will not bring my computer with me. Ok…
This week is quite nice…although myself felt kind of loneness. I went to a German friend’s house last weekend. This is my first time visit a normal German family. (Hope I can have more chances like this.) We had a “pre-Christmas” party. But Pai Seh, That night my camera battery went dead.haha…so didn’t take any photos.
I was invited to go to a Christmas market with my friend’s family in the following day. We drive to a city called Münster. It is located in the northern part of Ruhr area. It a very nice and peaceful city. We went to the Christmas market in the city center. And took a bus tour around the city. This is the
St.Paul’s Cathedral. it is a mixture of late Romanesque and early Gothic styles.
So this is the Christmas market. This time I saw it in daytime. (last week it was at night). Thanks to my friend’s explanation all the way. I get to know more German traditional Christmas foods. They are tasty. I love them.
This is the main street in the city. Most of the buildings were actually restored after the world war. Walking down the street…Listening to the Christmas songs sung by the children…the bells of the cathedral chiming… looking at the European architectures… Birds are flying… This is a tropical “Europe image” in my mind before I came to Germany. I got this image right in front of me at that day. Hmm… Won’t forget in the rest of my life…Beautiful. (I love this land.)
My friends came to my house and we had lunch together yesterday. They have never been to Bochum before. So as a host, I also bring them to walk around the city. This is the photo taken when we were cooking our lunch. (Chinese food and Southeast Asia food)My friend he is trying to open a bottle cap with an A4 size paper. Hah….but fail to do so… (Don’t tell anybody…I can do it…hahaha…) I was working on my bi-monthly report these few days. Hmm…. Not motivated to write, don’t know why. Is it because it is holidays now? Maybe… any way, I am going for my Christmas holidays tonight. Italy! Yes! I will be back next year. Have a nice weekend. May all of you have a nice new year!
Week16 report
发帖者 jerome 时间: 4:29:00 下午 0 评论
week15 report
Heard from my friend Stephen, he has a fever recently. Now still struggling there. Hope he can recover soon. Xuanming said he is going to send a Christmas card for me from Singapore. Hah…I can’t wait to see it. Ya…Christmas is coming soon…many of my friends they all start to drive back home this week, because next week is the start of Christmas holidays. That also mean I will be lonely again…Sianz…

发帖者 jerome 时间: 11:18:00 上午 0 评论
Week14 report
It is week 14 already. Friends in Singapore they are having common test. My teammates they all are having test as well these few weeks. So, all the best to all of them!I went to Paris last weekend. Because our bus departs at Essen, so I went to Essen to visit my friends there. And had my dinner there with them. After our dinner, my friend helped me to cut my hair. Haha… So with this new hairstyle (Actually there is not much change.), I went to Paris.

发帖者 jerome 时间: 12:48:00 下午 0 评论