Heard from my friend Stephen, he has a fever recently. Now still struggling there. Hope he can recover soon. Xuanming said he is going to send a Christmas card for me from Singapore. Hah…I can’t wait to see it. Ya…Christmas is coming soon…many of my friends they all start to drive back home this week, because next week is the start of Christmas holidays. That also mean I will be lonely again…Sianz…
I went to a party last weekend with my flat mate Tim. It was a party for Asia students and those students who study Asia politics. I knew some new Asia friends there.And That was my first time I spoke Teochew here in Germany.hah…(There is a student from ShanTou. ) Pai seh… Forgot to bring camera that night.hah…
As you guys know, Christmas is at the right at the corner. There are many Christmas market in most of the cities in Germany. I went to Dortmund with some Chinese friends. Because I heard from Internet, “they” say, the largest Christmas tree in the world is located in Dortmund. So we went there looking for some proof.

This is the Christmas tree lor. It is much taller than the one in Orchard road in Singapore.(The largest one I have seen so far.) It was my first time get to know the real Christmas culture. I hope it can snow again during Christmas…
Back to my project, Nils and I, two of us still doing some research work. We are looking for a battery which have a very high energy density. After several research, I finally get contact with one reseller in China. They have the battery we want. But unfortunately, they are out of stock. And this type of battery is impossible to get it in a normal way. I also contacted one person from internet. (He and his team built a solar aircraft.) And they used the same battery we are looking for. So I write an email to him ask whether he can provides us some information. And he did. He gave us some very valuable information for the battery. Nice person…hah 好人一生平安…
Next week is holidays. I don’t need to go to school. So I will be doing my work at home. Will focus more on my second bio-monthly report. Dead line is coming… Hope will be anther presentable report. Ok…have a nice weekend. And Merry Christmas to everyone who is reading my blog now…Thanks for all the support.
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